Hotel with wellness & fitness centre
Enjoy our Wellness Centre: Toucan Health Club! Free access for overnight staying guests (wellness & fitness facilities).
Unfortunately, some parts of the Toucan Health Club are not wheelchair accessible. Minimum age sauna and fitness: 18 years
Facilities Toucan Health Club:
- Heated indoor swimming pool(s) with shallow pool for youngsters
- Whirlpool
- Sauna (only accessible without swimwear)
- Turkish steam bath (only accessible without swimwear)
- Jet stream showers
- Hydrotherapie Rainshower
- Floating in magnesium salt
- Thai Massage
- Tanning bed
- Modern fitness with special equipment such as strengths and condition equipment, bench press, powerplate etc.
- Group & swim lessons
- Professional solarium
- Infra-red cabin
- Relaxation area with fresh fruit and cooled water
- Separated dressing rooms with lockers
- Club bar with healthy bites and drinks, such as fruit-smoothies
Hotel Gilze-Tilburg
Toucan Health Club
Klein Zwitserland 8
5126 TA Gilze (Tilburg - Breda)
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)161 454951
Fax. +31 (0)161 452171